How to get rid of sensitive teeth — debunking myths to protect your smile

How to get rid of sensitive teeth — debunking myths to protect your smile

Tired of the discomfort that tags along with every sip of your favourite hot drink or bite of a cold treat? Rest assured — you’re not alone, with millions worldwide sharing the feeling.

Tooth sensitivity has a knack for transforming your simplest pleasures into not-so-fun experiences.

In this blog, we’ll explore its causes, debunk common myths, and provide practical solutions to help you protect your smile (and enjoy life without the sting of sensitivity).

So let’s get to the root of your sensitive tooth—with a gentle touch, of course!

Why do your teeth feel sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is a common discomfort that happens when the underlying layer of your teeth, called dentin, becomes exposed. Your dentin contains tiny tubules (like straws or narrow channels) that send shockwaves to your nerves when you face certain stimuli — usually hot, cold, or sweet. 

The result? You’re left dealing with that unpleasant feeling in your teeth you’d rather avoid.

What can trigger tooth sensitivity?

  • Brushing or flossing too hard.
  • Cracking your tooth.
  • Returning from a more intense dental visit — like a filling.
  • Grinding your teeth — whether as a habit or while you sleep.
  • Receding gums or a change in your tooth structure.
  • Consuming too many acidic foods or beverages.
  • An accumulation of plaque.

In some cases, a condition affecting your jaw muscles or nerves may also be the culprit.

Debunking tooth sensitivity myths

Think you’ve heard it all? There are loads of myths swirling around about this common dental issue. Let’s clear the air once and for all:

Myth #1: Whitening toothpaste is the cure-all for sensitive teeth.

Fact: While whitening might help zap some sensitivity caused by surface stains, it’s no match for deeper dilemmas like exposed dentin.
Myth #2: Only those with poor oral hygiene suffer from tooth sensitivity.

Fact: Even the most diligent brushers can find themselves in the sensitivity club! While good oral hygiene helps prevent it, genetics and lifestyle habits also play a role.
Myth #3: Sensitivity will magically vanish on its own.

Fact: Unfortunately, if you give tooth sensitivity the cold shoulder for too long, it might just stick around and throw an even bigger party in your mouth!
Myth #4: Sensitivity is just a normal part of aging.

Fact: As the years go by and our teeth rack up some mileage, sensitivity might decide to tag along for the ride. But with proper treatment, it can be easily managed and shouldn’t be brushed aside.

So, how do you prevent sensitive teeth and protect your smile?

  • Practice good oral care — with desensitizing toothpaste.
  • Swap out your toothbrush every two to three months — or sooner if it starts looking weary.
  • If you’re prone to grinding your teeth, consider a mouthguard for extra protection.
  • Add a fluoride mouthwash to your repertoire. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel!
  • After indulging in acidic or sugary treats, give your mouth a rinse with water to neutralize acids and minimize their impact.
  • Steer clear of using your pearly whites as makeshift tools for cracking open bottles or packages. It’s a recipe for disaster!
  • Fuel your smile with a balanced diet packed with calcium and vitamin D to stay in tip-top shape.
  • And of course, don’t forget to swing by your dentist for regular checkups.

Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to maintaining your winning smile!

Tooth sensitivity still bugging you? We’ve got answers!

Reach out to our friendly team at Centrepointe Dental, and we’ll tackle those toothy troubles together to get the answers you need — and your smile shining bright!

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